Northrhine Westphalia in the Bronze Age / Ibbenbüren

Moderatoren: Nils B., Turms Kreutzfeldt, Hans T., Chris

Northrhine Westphalia in the Bronze Age / Ibbenbüren

Beitragvon Sculpteur » 24.09.2023 15:25

Here is the final bilingual version of the video on the topic "Bronze Age in Westphalia - Ibbenbüren 3500 years ago.

The video shows, among other things, remains of ash urn burials with cremated remains, a bronze hatchet blade and a special exhibit, the replica of a Bronze Age razor with a ship motif.

Languages ​​of the video:
Audio commentary: German
Subtitles: German / English
Video length / watching time: approx. 1 minute (short)


channel operator: me. Vinzenz Maria Hoppe
channel name: Handwerkskunst_Handicraftarts
main page of channel: ... ure=shared
date and time of retrieval: 24.09.23; 14:28 MEZ
video title: Stadtmuseum ibbenbüren: Ausstellung Bronzezeit / Ibbenbüren City Museum: Bronze Age exhibition
date and time of retrieval: 24.09.23; 14:23 MEZ
Link zum Video / link to video:
Beiträge: 854
Registriert: 17.06.2016 18:17

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