Tattoo-Art vor 5.000 Jahren

Moderatoren: Nils B., Turms Kreutzfeldt, Hans T., Chris

Tattoo-Art vor 5.000 Jahren

Beitragvon Blattspitze » 04.03.2018 18:07

auf natürlichen Mumien aus Ägypten im British Museum entdeckt:
Dating to between 3351 to 3017 BC, tattoos of animals and motifs have been discovered on two naturally mummified bodies from Egypt. Using infrared technology, figural tattoos of a wild bull and a sheep were identified on the upper arm of a male mummy, while linear and S-shaped motifs have been identified on the upper arm and shoulder of a female mummy; these are the oldest tattoos ever found on a female individual. ... d-mummies/
"Stone tools are not fossil bones, but as it were, fossil thoughts, forever reminding me of the mind that shaped them." Henry David Thoreau
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